Students' Data Vis

In the context of the Data Preparation and Visualization course of the Master in Data Science and Engineering at FEUP the students were asked to select a dataset from PORDATA and create a visualization that would help us understand some aspect of Portugal. Here, I will share some of the works.

Weddings and Divorces in Portugal since 1990

Fábio Fernandes and Hugo Nogueira created the following visualization that represents the Behavior of Marriages and Divorces in last 20 years in Portugal. 

The plot analysis reveal that, overall, marriages and divorces do not appear to have been affected by the macroeconomic crises in Portugal over the last 20 years but by a decreasing trend in the case of marriages and an increasing trend in the case of divorces, with the latter variable tending to stabilize around the 2008 crisis.

In general, there are more marriages than divorces per year. However, there is a period after 2010 in which  the total number of Catholic divorces is greater than the number of Catholic weddings.

On average, Catholic marriage represents about 62% of all marriages, being a relationship that apparently remains constant across the years.

The covid-19 pandemic had a very strong impact on the number of weddings.

Renewable Energy in Portugal

Guilherme Salles and Luís Magolo created a set of visualizations about the consumption and production of renewable energy in Portugal.

The first vis shows what were the economic sectors that emitted the most carbon dioxide
and other gases that cause global warming in 2019. It can be seen that the 'water treatment and waste management'; the primary sector; and the Energy generation sector are responsible for most of the emissions.

The second vis shows (i) how is Portugal performance on the renewable energy generation in
comparison to EU between 2004 and 2019 and (ii) which countries have already achieved, in 2019, their 2020 renewable energy goals.

In 2019, Portugal was the 7th country in the EU with the highest percentage of renewable
energy sources, having increased its share of renewable energy in more than 10% over the previous 15 years. However, the Portuguese goal for the share of renewable energy consumption established for 2020 is not achieve yet.

A third vis shows How was the improvement on renewable energy generation over the last 25 years.

The chart on top shows the increase of green energy and total energy production over the last 25 years.
Overall, it is visible that the energy production has increased over time with a significant part of these growth coming from renewable sources.

The bottom chart shows what are the main actors responsible for this significant increase in renewable energy generation. The hydro power generation has stabilized over the years but increased in the last few years. Meanwhile, Wind, Biomass and Solar have increased over the analyzed period. 

The most noticeable aspect is the increase of the production of energy from the Wind.
